Defeat Low Testosterone & Regain Your Edge

Aging is a natural process but it comes with an array of changes in our physical and emotional make up.  As men we are often measured by our masculinity, whether it be on the football field or in the board room.  Having mental sharpness and an overall bravado defines us and helps us flourish in situations that require these skills to be heightened.  Losing this edge, whether it be in the bedroom, boardroom or weight room, can certainly be an enormous gut punch for a man. 

Testosterone plays a key role in our development especially during our formative years. Early on it is responsible for our primary sex characteristics and lays the groundwork for our later years.  Think of Testosterone as the lattice like structure that provides the structural foundation that supports both physical and emotional well-being.

Just as women go into Menopause as they age, men undergo similar physiologic changes known as Andropause which, like their female counterparts, is a normal part of the aging process.  Unfortunately changes in our environment over the past half century have caused lower testosterone levels at earlier ages than ever before and essentially has sped up Andropause for many men. 

Signs of low Testosterone include the following:

·        Not waking with an erection consistently

·        Unable to achieve an erection prior to intercourse OR not being able to maintain an erection during intercourse

·        Softer more flaccid erections than prior

·        Loss of muscle tone and inability to build muscle despite working out

·        Fatigue, lack of drive, no motivation, poor confidence, decline in strength and endurance

·        Development of breast tissue (known as gynecomastia)

·        Loss of physical and mental drive

·        Weight gain

Speaking of “gut punch”, many hormonal disturbances manifest themselves in the belly.  Weight gain in men is a huge predictor of chronic illness, mainly inflammation, but it also can trigger a physiologic process where Testosterone drops and Estrogen rises.  Evidence also shows low testosterone and erectile health are strong predictors for heart disease in men.  Suboptimal erectile health is not always directly related to low T, thus if indicated your provider will check other testing to assure your heart is healthy and strong. 

So what can men do to regain their mental and physical edge, virility and confidence?

1)      Weight loss will not only raise testosterone levels, but will also help keep unwanted estrogen from climbing.

2)      Weight training with a focus on the “big 3” movements: squat, bench press and dead lift

3)      Eating a balanced diet including avoidance of processed foods, sugars and gluten; all of which are inflammatory triggers and hormone disruptors. 

4)      Sleep is crucial for the body to reset and recharge, this is especially important with hormones.

5)      Hormone balancing

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms consistent with Testosterone deficiency, the first step should be a full hormone evaluation by a functional medicine provider.  This consists of blood work, physical exam and a detailed history.  If warranted testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) could be a great first step in getting your health back, especially if you have tried and failed lifestyle changes.  TRT is safe and monitored closely by your functional med provider including periodic blood work and phone call follow ups.  If you have any questions or would like to schedule a consultation with Anti-Aging Medicine and Hormone Wellness please call 484-294-4199.